Android and the fury of Java

I’m making an app, how hard can it be?

The scope for the app is to show html pages from my node.js server (running on Amazon Web Server), and add some functionality like adding todo’s to the list.

I have read a book earlier on game programming for androids, which gave away quite many of the secrets behind the Android programming sphere, including an introduction to Eclipse, the software (IDE) often used to program for Android.

Android is owned by Google, and Java is owned by Oracle. I believe both companies consist of the nicest and smartest people in the world (according to advertisements), but there seems to be an usolved dispute between the two, because in the interface between Android / Eclipse and Java, all crazy things can happen.

Java Null Pointer Exception. Duplicate files found, please check dependencies. Java not found. Java found, but not updated. Java found, but ignored. Class not initiated because you followed our instructions, but then something changed that we can't explain, but blame Java for.


I’m an amateur, and normally dive into all sorts of problems (mostly self generated when it comes to programming), but now I need a break.

Delete Eclipse

Install Android Studio

Everything will be better now. I hope